Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hello everyone. I want to thank you all for sharing your research and thoughts on this project. I hope you have learned a lot. Unfortunately, there was no wi-fi in the rural secondary school I visited and I was not allowed to videotape the students. They did however answer some of your questions, and below are the questions and answers. I also am including Malia'a picture that did not post and four pictures from South Africa: a picture of the rural school, some of the students after school getting a snack (all of them have to wear uniforms), a picture of the Sandton mall in the city of Johannesburg, and the Radisson Inn where Mrs. Obama stayed near Nelson Mandela Square.

·       What do you think South Africa will look like politically in 20 years?
It will look like it does now. We are about to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ANC.
·       What were some political tactics that helped stop apartheid ?
The people strike and protest just like they did in Egypt.
·       Did any of your family members take part in movements and are now political prisoners?
Yes our family members were part of the movement. None are political prisoners now.
·       How do people in South Africa feel about their leaders today?
President Zuma is a man of the people and is going to fulfill his promises.
·       How do you feel about your political freedom?
Our freedom is good.
·       What are some political problems that have been protested against but still have not gone away?
We still want more housing.
·         Does terrorism play a part in your life?
No, it does not.
·       Are there any remembrance activities for the lives lost to the political protests?
We just celebrated human rights day this week.

Thank you again for all your work, and if you desire I would be willing to come and discuss with you what I have learned during my short site visit.


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