Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello, this is Malia back with more pictures to use to analyze the civil rights movement and the anti-apartheid movement.  The first picture I found was created by a fifth-grader named Andra Tudor of the Sabah Kinder Art (SKA) Academy of Art and Design.  The piece is called “The Civil Rights Movement.” I like this piece because it combines important aspects of the civil rights movement (freedom, Martin Luther King Jr.) with American symbols (Statue of liberty, flag).  The message that I get from this artwork is that the Civil Rights movement was a fight for freedom in America where the high level of determination never fell.  I find it amazing that people as young as the fifth grade understand the hardships and importance of the civil rights movement.  The next picture I found is of the Soweto Uprising which is an important event during the apartheid.  The Soweto Uprising was when an ample amount of high school students led protests in South Africa againt apartheid on June 16, 1976.   20,000 students protested and 176 students were killed.  The students sang and held signs during the protest.  Dogs were let loose and shots were fired on these children.  Once again the youth showed determination.  That is why the words I focused on today were YOUNG and DETERMINATION. 
Happiness to All